I Heart My Mom!


There is nothing more deserving or blog-worthy today, or any other day for that matter, than a post dedicated to my mom. Words could never do justice to the kind of woman and mother that she is, but I will try my best!

I feel lucky to have a mom who is also my best friend. Those crazy mother-daughter fighting teen years bypassed us somehow. Instead, we spent most every Saturday in high school doing lunch or breakfast, followed by a good chick-flick or shopping date! Monday nights were dedicated to brownies and The Bachelor.  Man, how I miss those days!

My mom is everything that I ever wanted to be and more. She worked so hard as a Social Worker for over 20 years, working her way up to the head of Adult and Protective Services and gaining the respect of so many in her field! I never felt neglected or resented my mother for working. I was proud that she was doing something so meaningful, and she balanced her career and family so well! I never missed the home-cooked meals because it mattered more that she was there for us. She made it to all of my softball games and my brother's basketball games and gave up a lot of her weekends to travel with us for our various sports. Now that I am working and know how precious and valuable weekends are, I see what a huge sacrifice she made for us.

All of my values and morals that I have today I owe to my mother. She taught me that integrity and honesty are important in even the most insignificant of actions. She taught me to love others and show respect always. She is constantly sharing God's love through her actions, devoting many Sundays to jail ministry and traveling on countless mission trips all over the world. I feel so luck to be apart of a family with such a commitment to social justice and a heart for helping others. 

My mom is my #1 fan...my biggest cheerleader.  It is so amazing to have someone who you can share all of your successes with, and it's not bragging or boasting because they're even prouder of you than you are of yourself! She makes me feel beautiful and special, and has always taught me that inner beauty is what matters most!

So here's to my mom-- the most amazing, special, and beautiful woman I know! I love you more than words could ever say!

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