Too Close for Comfort


So, Kyle and I had just finished dinner and were in the middle of watching Mad Men when I check Facebook and see the status of one of my friend's older brother's asking people to pray for his family's neighborhood because a wildfire was spreading into it and people were being evacuated. My heart immediately started racing because that's my parent's neighborhood too and I figured if they knew about the fire they would have called me.

I call my parents and get ahold of my mom, who is at dinner with a friend and really didn't know what was going on and had to get off the phone quickly because my grandparents were calling in, and we knew it was for the same reason. At this point, we didn't know if they were even going to be able to get back in the house because all we were hearing was about the evacuation.

Which really got me thinking...

You know how people always ask the question, if your house was on fire, what would you grab? Well, not that I can totally relate because a) it wasn't my permanent home with all of my current stuff at risk and b) I wasn't having to run out of house that was really on fire, but I did beg my mom to make sure my baby pictures were know, since I was born and grew up before we had all these fancy dancy cameras that can have their photos uploaded to a computer!

So there you have it, that's my answer...If I were running out of a burning house, I'd want my photos (and would for sure want my letters from Kyle, my parents, and grandparents). Another great reason for having this here bloggy...just in case this fire business ever returns!

Luckily, it sounds like the fire has mostly been contained, and only a few houses were damaged (so far no injuries reported), but it was a pretty scary little hour for me as I watched the news online and saw all of the images that are literally within walking distance of my home. My parents were on the  "optional" evacuation and are choosing to stick it out, so let's just pray nothing drastic changes and that the winds continue to die down so this thing doesn't spread any further!

Just a few images...these are the woods that surround our neighborhood where the wildfire was spreading.


  1. how scary - its funny thing to think about what i would take. probably my grandmother's jewelry and pictures...i'd be the one trying to haul out antique furniture too! ha. glad everyone is safe tho!

  2. Oh, wow!!! I am glad everything is ok though and everyone is safe! Including you all. Prayers nothing spreads!

  3. that is scary!! Glad everything is okay!! and I'm with you, I'd be saving pictures!

  4. Oh I hate that! I'm glad everyone is okay!

  5. Oh gosh! That is so scary! Glad everyone is ok!!


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