Gender Reveal...Blue or Pink!?


Eeek! We are so excited to share that Baby A is a....


Last Sunday, Kyle and I gathered with family and friends for a Gender Reveal party at the beach hosted by amazing almost-sister-in-law, Hanna!

Rewind to two weeks before that at our anatomy ultrasound--Kyle and I asked the ultra-sound tech. to write down the gender in an envelope because we really wanted to find out just the two of us. We'd always dreamed of going out to Maple View Farms, where it is absolutely gorgeous and the ice-cream is oh-so-yummy to find out for ourselves! We could not have asked for a more perfect day to find out--nice and sunny, no coats needed, and perfect blue skies and open fields surrounding us for miles.  And, we were so excited to see the word BOY written on the paper! We kind of had a sneaking suspicion this was the case, and if you're ever curious about what you're having, you can just send your ultrasound pics to my friend, Beebs, who is 2-0 in predicting genders of babies long before the actual anatomy ultrasound! 

It was hard to keep the secret from family and friends for TWO. WHOLE. WEEKS. especially if you know me. I wanted to tell the world the second we found out! But, we were both so, so good despite the numerous attempts to try to get us to spill! Best effort awards go to my Grandmother (who was just convinced that it was a boy and called it baby boy all weekend leading up the the reveal!), my brother (who kept trying to trick me on the phone), and Kyle's mom (who tried to bribe us with baby clothes purchases at the outlets if she knew what gender to shop for!). 

But, we kept that precious little secret and were so glad that we did because getting to see everyone's reactions at the reveal was priceless!

Now, onto the good stuff. The Gender Reveal. Pretty much the most adorable party I've ever been to period. Totally Pinterest-worthy in my book. Hanna is absolutely amazing, and I'm trying to convince her to go into a party planning business!

Welcome to our Gender Reveal...

The Decor

The Activities
The party was the weekend before Easter, so if you're familiar with the Egg Cracking game,  Hanna just put a Pink & Blue twist on it! The winning egg color (for us it was pink!) meant that an extra point was added to Team Pink!
My Dad, Kyle's Dad, Kyle's brother, and Kyle had a bottle drinking race! Most of the boys cheated, but my dad had a great time drinking it like a real Baby! A point for Team Blue!
Jan won the "Guess How Much Baby A Is Loved" game! There were 242 jellybeans ( how she tied a little Easter into the reveal!) in the bottle, and Jan guessed 250...I knew that girl was smart! Since Jan was on Team Blue, a point was added to Team Blue!
And lastly, we moved the party out to the beach (or almost beach!) for the big reveal! Hanna had put me on the phone with the girl at Party City to tell that the box would need BLUE balloons!

It was so much fun to see the blue balloons go flying! Kyle loves to replay the video in slow-motion where I get nailed in the face with one!
The Guests
(For Our Memory's Sake!)
From Left to Right: The lovely hostess, Hanna, my brother, Bryan, my mom, me, Kyle, and my Dad! 
My grandparents were also there! 
Kyle's parents were there! 
Two of my high school bests, Becca and Jan were there!
Kyle's brother, Ryan, and his girlfriend, Lindsay!
My college bestie, Ashley, and her new boy, Dave, also came!

Skyped in were: college bestie, Beebs, cousin Sarah, Kyle's Aunt Momo, and failed attempts to Skype in cousin, Kathleen, and my two Aunts! And, our good friends, Keith and Kelly (and sweet Teagan) and my cousin, Anna (who was leading a tour), my lifelong bestie, Kristen (who got married the day before...will post about that when pics come in!), and other high school bestie, Ally, were all there in spirit!

Not pictured were Hanna's parents, Mr. Warren and LaLa (Linda) who helped with everything and took some amazing pictures! My brother is gaining some amazing in-laws, and we've had so much fun getting to know them!

I could not write this post without saying a huge thank you to Hanna, who just 1 week after getting some scary news about her health and just 3 days post-surgery pulled off this amazing party for us. It was such a generous thing to do in the first place and to still go through with it all things considered meant the world to us. She is just the best. I wrote in her thank-you note that I hope Baby A takes after his Aunt Hanna in her thoughtfulness, generosity, and selflessness.It was such a special day, full of love and excitement for our baby boy!

We are SO ready to embrace the blue!

Bring on the registering and nursery prep


  1. Sooo excited for y'all and your baby BOY!!!!!! YAY! God is so, so good! xx

  2. YAYY! Congrats, so very happy for y'all, little boys are the best (I'm a little partial since I have two myself haha)

  3. Snips and snails and puppy dog tails! Yay for a baby boy!!

  4. Congrats!! I am so excited for you! Thank you so much for your sweet comments in my blog! I am just so happy for you that your dream of starting a family is coming true for you as well! :)

  5. oh how CUUUUUUTE! Love that yall did it at the beach!!! Congrats :)


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