Friday Five


Yay for Friday! It's so crazy to me that in 3 Fridays or less I will be holding my precious baby boy in my arms! Looking at the "Guess the Due-Date" calendar that my sweet, SIL, made for my gender reveal party--I totally put today down as my guess! #soready #needmoretime

Now for my Friday Five...

Dreaming of Fall

Definitely not wanting to wish away this last leg of summer, but I can't help being giddy over fall fashion. It has always been my fave-- as in, summer before senior year of high school I actually left Disney World early to go back to the hotel so I could flip through Vogue's first look at fall edition in peace and quiet.  To be fair, this was the tail end of a two-week family vacation, so it's totally fine to have had a #diva moment, right?

But, yes, bring on the boots, booties, scarves, long cardigans, leggings, and gorgeous fall prints & colors!

And, I'll take one of each of these beauties below to help make the transition to fall that much easier ;) Only a few days left for these babies to be on sale!


I know this is not necessarily a new thing, but I just have to mention how much I LOVE getting my Skimm emailed to me every morning. For someone like me, who, especially when I'm teaching, don't feel like I have a ton of time and who also absolutely hates the tone of television news, this is my perfect solution for staying up-to-date. Now I don't have to rely on Kyle to stay current!

 I'll take my news with a side of sass, please. ;)

Preggy Support

I've noticed over the years that I become better at knowing how to be supportive after being in the position to receive support. Does that make sense!? Like, I became a much better bridesmaid and shower-attendee after being a bride. I feel like I have lots of more ideas for ways to better support  my friends who get pregnant now that I've gone through pregnancy! It's not that I wasn't or couldn't be supportive without going through something. I think I just questioned it too much and let my lack of confidence hold me back to an extent. A huge sorry shout-out to my cousin, Kathleen, who, unfortunately, has been the first to go through many of these big milestones and who I am always wishing I could have been better for! This week I've been so blessed by the ways that people close to me have shown support as my pregnancy winds down. From the friend who just came and sat on the couch with me and kept me company while we both worked (online class for her, sub plans for me), to the friend who brought me lunch, to my sweet SIL so excited to hear about my appointments, to the friends who check in on me via text, and to my cousin and her sweet hubby who are coming to clean our house this Saturday-- I am so incredibly blessed.  I now know how much just a simple text or act of support can go such a long way! And, it just makes me want to pay it forward!

Modern Burlap Swaddle Blankets

I'm loving these Modern Burlap swaddle blankets that my weekly email from BabyList raved about! The black and white designs are so on-point. How, how do you mommas out there resist buying every cute thing you see for baby!? #wehaveplentyofswaddleblankets #whatisonemorethough

Must Bake


I am having mad cravings for something chocolaty and warm! I'm thinking this is a must-make for me  over the weekend! Is it terrible that I'm really trying to milk these last few weeks of pregnancy as far was what I can get away with eating!? $100 bucks says my mom texts me after reading this post to make sure I'm still eating enough veggies!

Happy Friday!

Linking up with these lovely ladies today:
 April, KarliErikaNarci and Andrea for 5 on Friday, Oh Hey Friday, and Friday Favorites.

Five on this Fab Friday


Happy Friday! If school wasn't out for summer break my little 3rd graders and I would be blasting a little Rebecca Black "Friday" and having our weekly dance party to kick off our fave day of the week! Welcoming this day after having slept in and still in my pajamas is most def not too shabby of an alternative ;)

On to my Five on this fabulous Friday...

Grey & White Stripe Obsession

I'm noticing a little bit of a trend here with some of my baby purchases...
{Honest Company Organic Protective Radiation Blanket}
{Solly Baby WrapImage}
{Native Wilds Bamboo Nest- Nursing Cover | Carseat Cover | Infinity Scarf}
I'm so excited about all three of these items! I can only vouch so far for the Honest blanket, which I've had since the fall and love the extra peace of mind it brings while looking like a cute blanket! The others I can't wait to use and know I will love-- the fabrics are so amazingly soft. Let's pray I don't ever tire of the grey and white stripes, but let's be honest-- who could ever get tired of grey and white stripes!?


I have a terrible memory. I especially become aware of my terrible memory when it comes to books that I've read. Enter this book...
Someone had recently recommended this book, so I put it on hold at the library after reading the description. I get the book and read the little blurb on the inside cover with a little more description, and I started thinking that the book sounded familiar. Started reading the book and became 100% confident that I had, in fact, already read this book (most likely last summer). WORST PART-- I had to keep reading it because I remember how it ended! And, I was still surprised! That is terrible, right!? So, if you'd like an easy summer read, I'd recommend this one. I can vouch for it since, ya know, I read it twice and all!

Alima Pure
Over the last two years I've been transitioning to using cleaner products, and Alima Pure has made that transition so much easier for me by producing great products for reasonable prices. I L-O-V-E their Satin Matte Foundation, and it's currently on sale for $20 (down from $25) for a few more days in July! #stockup

A Treat for Any of You Pregnant Ladies

This arrived in my email this morning, and I can't say I hated it ;) Check out this site for more  encouragement from some average looking fellas ;)

Home Decor Overhaul

All of this nesting that I've been able to do and time spent at home this summer has left me dreaming of everything that I want to change about our house, which is absolutely, 100% not practical at this point in our lives. Read-- expecting baby = no extra money to spend. But, I am SO over everything! Maybe it's just the pregnancy hormones talking?

Either way, for starters, I'd like for this lovely, in either feather gray or white, to make it's way onto my bed...

Mom, Kyle, anyone...if you're reading this-- it's on super sale ;)

Happy Weekend!

Linking up with these lovely ladies today:
 April, KarliErikaNarci and Andrea for 5 on Friday, Oh Hey Friday, and Friday Favorites.

Expressing Thanks


Expressing thanks-- I was having lunch with my friend, Becca, yesterday when this topic came up. She was telling me about how she'd read a sermon recently that was written about five years ago that really resonated with her and that she'd emailed that pastor just to express gratitude for those words. I mentioned that I bet it really meant a lot to the pastor to get that email and to hear how something she'd written 5 years prior was still relevant and making a difference today. I know from having a father-in-law in ministry that compliments feel few-and-far-between, whereas complaints seem to come quite regularly. 

We then got on the subject of how as teachers, we feel the same way. When a parent really takes the time to express thanks, whether it's an email, note, phone call, or in person, it just means so much to us. 

Which got me thinking. I feel really thankful for a lot of things that people do. But, am I actually taking the time to express this thanks---whether it's to someone who I was required to interact with but who was really kind or exceptionally helpful. Or whether it was to someone, like a family member or friend, whose support is often taken for granted. Or, just a stranger and some random act of kindness. Am I taking that time to really show gratitude?

So, today, and moving forward,  I want to be intentional about taking that extra second to express thanks. I definitely don't want to be one of those people who walks around expecting and not appreciating. 

And, I'll start here with a few that have been on my heart this week...

Thank you to the cashier at Babies R Us who let us use two coupons that normally would not have been accepted. It was more helpful than you could know as saving every penny during a time when we have so much to purchase is crucial. 

To our amazing families:  Thank you to my sweet Mom, who gave up 6 days to come stay with us and help us around the house. She spent a day in the kitchen cooking freezer meals for us. She did laundry, helped me organize, ran errands with us, and even came to help out at a reading program I worked with each day last week. It was truly a labor of love and so incredibly helpful as we prepare for baby. Also, a shoutout to my dad who dropped my mom off and drove back to pick her up, arriving with his most-amazing spaghetti sauce, ready to also go in our freezer! I know when my mom comes to stay with me he takes on more of the responsibility around their house helping out with my grandparents, so it means a lot that they were all so supportive of her coming for such a nice chunk of time! Thank you to my in-laws, who have also done so much for us as we have been busy getting ready for baby, from helping paint our nursery walls to paying for us to get our sink fixed! We are so lucky to have families who are so generous and selfless beyond measure.

Thank you to the kind nurse, Nina, who I spoke to earlier today, after having 3 other rather frustrating calls to nurses prior. Your manner was so gentle and kind and exactly what I needed in that moment.  **knowing that I was writing this post, I did actually at the end of our conversation express my appreciation, and I think (and hope!) she felt the love!

Thank you to these sweet mamas (and 1 mama-to-be!) who I have pestered with questions throughout my pregnancy-- Kathleen, Beebs, Ally, Jill, Kelly, Elise, and Kaitlyn. Your advice and willingness to share your experiences has been so valuable and incredibly helpful. I look up to each and every one of you as mommies and am so grateful to share in this journey with you!

Piggy-backing off of that, thank you to this sweet blogger, Christina, who doesn't know me from Adam, and literally responded to a question I asked her about movement monitors, like a day or two after she gave birth! I mean, what a rockstar! I emailed her not knowing she was in labor, and when I saw her blog post that she had given birth I just went ahead and prepared myself for not hearing back (which would have been totally understandable!). I was so shocked and pleasantly surprised to see her response, and such a timely one, at that!

Kind of random, but thank you, Caitlyn Jenner, for giving an incredibly amazing speech about acceptance and respect last night at the ESPYs. As a 3rd grade teacher, I see the beginnings of bullying of kids who are different, and it breaks my heart to know that it could only get worse and what they might face in their futures. Thank you for encouraging others to be kind and respectful, even to people who you might not understand.

Thank you to my incredibly thoughtful friends--Becca, Ally, Kristen, and Jan-- who worked so hard to help make my shower last weekend so special, and another huge thanks goes to all of my loves who came and helped shower baby boy and me! I am so grateful for each and every one of you!

And a huge, ginormous thank you to my hubs. It has probably been one of my most emotional weeks throughout this pregnancy (cue the "I don't even know why I'm crying but I am" tears). Kyle, you have handled each meltdown, each moment with such love, nurture, and grace. I am thankful to the moon and back for you always, and especially in moments like those when it would be so easy to be 1. annoyed   2. flustered  3. tempted to laugh.   

So there you have it, a little thankfulness on this Thursday. But more importantly, a start to being intentional about expressing gratitude and thanks. And hey, you might just be seeing more of these posts if I can get my act together every Thursday ;)

I'll leave you with this quote:
Happy Thursday!

Five on Friday


Cheers to Friday! And, especially cheers to a long, holiday weekend! 

I'm so excited to be linking up for some Friday fun! It's been awhile. ;)

Weddings--Special Touches
Confession. I was a #prePinterest bride, and I feel like weddings these days just keep getting more and more creative! One of my favorite things about a wedding are the little touches that really represent the couple and make it feel more personal. I mentioned yesterday that my brother got married this past weekend, and their wedding was just perfection! A few things they did that I absolutely loved were:

*A lot of couples do the picture where they stand on either side of the door and hold hands without actually seeing each other. I'm not sure if it was planned or not, but Bryan and Hanna did this, but they also exchanged their presents. It was so sweet to peak in to see their reactions at the same time as they shared that special moment!
This was right before they exchanged their gifts! 
Thanks to Hanna's cousin, Ligon, for the photo that I stole off Facebook ;)

*As they were walking down the aisle after being introduced as newlyweds, they each paused and gave their moms a flower! So precious!

*Hanna had the great idea to have Bryan surprise my mom and go back into the sanctuary to be the one to get to walk her back down the aisle! I wish I could have seen her surprised face! I know it meant the world to her!

Summer Reading List
I have big plans to knock out a ton of summer reading! Some for pleasure, some to prepare for baby, and some lifestyle reads. 

Denim Jacket 
I have been on the fence about denim jackets for a while. Then I saw a "can't live without" post by the lovely, Katie Elizabeth, on her favorite denim jacket. A few weeks later, I read this post on Hello! Happiness and saw more buzz about what a staple item a denim jacket can be. And, just a few days ago my college bestie sent me a bump pic in which she was rocking a cute denim jacket, and I must confess I was sold! Enter a little stop at Loft the other day where they were having an amazing 50% off sale, and I found the perfect denim jacket for me! The fact that it was on sale, and I had a style reward to use and a little leftover on a gift card meant that I was able to snatch that sucker up without feeling guilty whatsoever! #winning

Odd Mom Out
I am newly obsessed with this show! I love everything about it, and it doesn't hurt that I even hear Kyle snickering at some of the jokes if he happens to be in the room while I'm watching. Bonus, it's only a half-hour show (although I could totally get on board with it being an hour!), so it's super perfect for watching when you're trying to make a quick, boring chore (like folding laundry!) more fun! Drop everything and start watching now!

Hospital Bag
So, who knew they recommend you packing your hospital bag by 34 weeks!? I just heard this yesterday! That is this weekend for me, and being the total #newmommy I have every intention of trying to follow the book as best I can, so let the packing-list search commence!

Luckily, a few of my favorite bloggers have some great go-to posts about this!
Cheers, Y'all 
The Newly
Little Baby Garvin
Carolina Charm

I'm sure I'll overpack because that's pretty much the norm for me, but at least I'll be prepared!

Have a safe and amazing 4th!

Linking up with these lovely ladies today:
 April, KarliErikaNarci and Andrea for 5 on Friday, Oh Hey Friday, and Friday Favorites.

Preggy Update: Weeks 26-33


Happy July! Happy July 2nd to be exact. Where did June go!? Where is this year going!? Please time, slow down!

June was such a crazy month for me as I wrapped up my 6th year of teaching (holy smokes!). And, let me just tell you that trying to pack up a classroom while also still managing 21 students who are CRAY to the Z excited for Summer all while 30 weeks pregnant was quite terrifying stressful. But, whew, I made it!
Last day with these kiddos! Literally on the crazy train!  But I heart them with my whole heart!
And then, the end of June was just full of so much excitement as my brother married the love of his life this past weekend! It was truly one of the most amazing and special weekends, and I can't wait to blog all about it! I'm also secretly so incredibly thankful that my pregnancy did not interfere with their big day! #irrationalfears
Now how about some pregnancy updates. You know, like 7 weeks worth!?

WEEKS 26-33
Bump from the Side!
Bump from the Front!
Movement: All day, every day! It has been so crazy to feel the changes in the movements over the last month or so. I can tell he's getting bigger, so the movements are much more pronounced! We like to joke that his party time is around 10pm, usually right when I'm trying to fall asleep! I've definitely been able to see the movements, too, which is always so cool. Of course, anytime I try to catch it on video to send to Kyle he stops! But yes, feeling his presence all day long is just the most special thing.
Sleep: Really so thankful for how well I've been able to sleep overall (knock on wood!).  My pee breaks have definitely been upped to at least 4 times a night. Sometimes I feel really uncomfortable when I first start to sleep because my belly just feels so big! I'm sure Kyle is ready for the Snoogle to be out of the bed, too! Poor guy has hardly any sleeping space now!

Workouts: I really just need to eliminate this category. ;) I have squeezed in a few walks. It's just so, so hot!

Maternity Clothes: Still mixing and matching. I feel like I'm down to about 6-7 really solid outfits, so I apologize to those of you who've had to see me rocking the same clothes every time I see you! I just need to hold on a little longer! I did grab two pairs of drawstring shorts from Old Navy, which have been so nice and comfy! Also, I was super excited that I made it through all of the wedding functions this past weekend, which included a shrimparoo, bridesmaids luncheon, and rehearsal dinner only having to purchase 1 dress, and it was $10!

Symptoms: I feel like I haven't had a ton of new symptoms. Still peeing all of the time and still having some swelling in my feet. I have definitely had a few more emotional moments and am sometimes finding that my patience is lower than normal (sorry, Kyle!). I definitely don't have the same energy level and will sometimes feel cramping if I walk for longer distances, which I'll let be my excuse for the lack of progress in the Workouts section! ;)

Cravings/Aversions: Nothing too exciting in the cravings front in that I have yet to make Kyle run out for ice-cream at midnight...yet! Recently I've found myself texting Kyle about Oreos, french fries, and s'mores. Oh, and queso! No aversions, so that's good!

Missing Most: Still dreaming of the days I'm not limited to just sleeping on my side! It's also been hard to see all of these amazing summer sales going on and not being able to shop for real clothes! And, I'm so ready to be able to move with ease and grace again! No more grunting when I have to get out of bed!

Nursery: Slowly and steadily coming along. Walls are painted. Crib is set up. Dresser/Changing Table is in place. Wall prints have been ordered! We're hoping to make some big moves here over the next few weeks! I've also started washing some baby clothes, which is probably most my favorite load of laundry I've ever done! The clothes are so teeny tiny!
Still need to:
*purchase glider, squeeze into room somewhere
*put up new blinds, hang curtains
*hang wall prints
*wash sheets and put on crib
*organize dresser & closet
*figure out mobile (we're considering making one)

Hubby: Is just the best, as always! He has been so patient and loving towards me, and is so excited to interact with the belly/baby! He also did such an awesome job getting our stroller and pack-n-play all set up, and I know he's got plans to do keep putting things together, little by little! And, I had so much fun making his first Father's Day so special. I definitely want to backwards blog that day for sure! I truly could not have asked for a more perfect partner throughout this whole thing because he just gets me and has been so incredibly selfless. He's going to be the best daddy!
Infant Care Class! Dude is so good at swaddling! 
First Father's Day Perfection!
Best Part of the Last Few Weeks: Ah! So many great moments! My hometown shower hosted by my aunts was so special and so much fun. I also was spoiled by my TA who not only hosted a little shower with the 3rd grade team but also hosted a little book shower with my class! We've gotten to take two classes-- 1. Birthing and 2. Infant Care/CPR/Breastfeeding-- and both were super informative! And, classes are so much more entertaining when it's a private class and the instructor keeps calling your hubby "Tyler" instead of his actual name, Kyle! I had to bite the inside of my cheeks that whole time to not laugh! We've also had a lot of fun nesting these past few weeks! At 30 weeks we got to have an ultrasound and see our little baby boy! My how he had grown! They said he was weighing 3 pounds 9 oz. at that point!  And, of course, the highlight was Bryan and Hanna's wedding! They are going to be the best uncle and aunt to our little guy, and we're so excited for their new life together!
My heart and soul! Cannot wait to meet him!
3rd Grade Team Shower! Love these ladies!
Wilmington Shower!
Class Number 1-- Check!
Class Number 2-- Check!
Can't Wait For: My mom is coming next week, and I have big plans for us to make some moves around the house and potentially do some cooking to prep some freezer meals! Also excited for my 2nd baby shower next weekend, hosted by two of my high school besties! And, we'll get to see our precious little guy on ultrasound next Tuesday! Fingers crossed he's still in good position!
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