Taking Care of Business


Oh, sweet productivity! Oh, sweet summertime! How I've missed you both! I am 2 days into summer, and I am amazed at how much I have already accomplished in my personal life. During the school year, I am super productive with my teaching and grad-school responsibilities, but I definitely tend to suck it up when it comes to taking care of my personal responsibilities. Exhibit A-- laundry had not been done in this household in at least a month! Luckily, Kyle and I have plenty of clothes to get by, but I knew it was bad when Kyle told me he had to bust out his Christmas boxers on Monday. Needless to say, I did 8 loads of laundry yesterday...I'm not sure if that makes me a rockstar or just super pathetic! I guess that juries still out on that one!

Other than my accomplishments in the laundry room, I have managed to...

*go to the bank-- I know, I know! Big whoop! But, I swear getting to the bank in the school year is such a hassle (especially when it used to not have a drive-through!).  I had quite a few checks saved up for this big deposit!

*get my bridesmaids dress altered-- the best part about this was that I actually had time to research the best one in my area, and so far, I'm loving the low cost I had to pay...we'll see if they come through with some quality work!

*go to the library-- I picked up 5 books...I'm so pumped to read this summer! I got a few by Elin Hildebrand, 2 from a new author, and Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet that my lovey, Ash, recommended! I'll let you know if any are worth reading!

*cook a dinner-- well, I guess I should say "help" cook a dinner, but hey, it's progress! My goal this summer is to become that domestic goddess that I meant to be last summer! Better late than never!

*research "Clean Eating"-- I'm going to try it...wish me luck!

*work out every day-- I know it's only 2 days so far, but again, a big victory for me!

I know that these are things that millions of working people do every day, and I so admire everyone who can pack it all in! Teaching full-time (+ some other leadership positions) and going to grad class at night pretty much left me just trying to survive...and I think I did a pretty good job! Now, I'm excited for summer and my chance to be a more relaxed, productive me at home!

You can thank me later, Kyle!

Here's to a happy and healthy summer!


  1. Sounds like some productive moments!
    I love reading during the summer so let me know how your books turn out.

  2. Sounds like a very productive two days!! :) My mom is a teacher as well, so I used to have to run her bank errands for her, ha!

  3. I completely agree with you on everything!! I can rock being a teacher during the school year, but then my duties at home slack. If I start rockin' it at home, my school duties slack. Why can't we win everywhere?!


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