Friday Five


Yay for Friday! Kind of a weird Friday for me as I would normally be starting my first teacher-workday today, but, instead, I guess this would be considered my first day of maternity leave?  Despite that fact that, yes, I am still pregnant! Instead of having the end of summer blues it's going to hit me like a ton of bricks come the end of October when I go back to work after having the summer off followed by 10 weeks of maternity leave...but we'll save that worry for another day!

 Linking up for another Friday Five!

Preggy Progress

Yesterday, we officially hit the 40 week mark (according to what our doc. had in their system), even though all along we've been going by the August 15th due date since that is what we were originally told and kinda latched onto! The good news is that I had made some progress (1cm dilated and membranes were stripped!), which was encouraging, but we very well could still be scheduling an induction next Thursday if little man decides he's not ready to face the August heat just yet! I celebrated the progress by going to Target and picking up a few necessities...
Don't tell me that baking Oliver cupcakes won't entice him to come so we can finally celebrate his birthday!
Strength & Faith

One of my dear friends, who I've known since college but am probably even closer with since, was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and had her first mastectomy this past Monday. She has a long road ahead of her with treatments this fall and another surgery in the spring, yet she has just amazed me with her strength and incredibly positive attitude. She's just been on my heart so much recently with such a scary situation she's having to face. And, in situations like these show me how easy it is (at least for me, maybe I'm not alone?) to live in fear and how crucial (but so hard) it is to trust in the Lord's plan. One of the truly most special items I own is a cross-stitch prayer that used to hang in my grandparents' house. They gave it to me after my miscarriage last fall, and I find myself constantly going to this and thought it might bring anyone else out there, who has had a curve-ball thrown at them or is supporting a friend or family member through a tough time a little comfort, as it certainly continues to bring to me!

Old Navy Swing Dress- Fall Edition

Ah! My favorite dress that I've worn for basically my entire third trimester that is so comfy and so cute is now available in a long-sleeve version with lots of yummy fall colors! It is seriously taking all of my will-power not to purchase Especially considering the amazing price point. I'm already dreaming of pairing this with booties and a statement necklace or scarf for the perfect transition-to-fall outfit. 
Anniversary Love

Today is my parents' 39th wedding anniversary! As I was writing my card to them I got a little sappy thinking about the example they have set through their marriage. They've not only shown that love is so important but also compromise, patience, laughter, commitment, grace, and lots and lots of movie dates (popcorn and Diet Coke mandatory!).  Cheers to this amazing couple!

For all of my teacher friends out there getting their classrooms ready...

A little motivation for ya...

Have the best Friday!

Linking up with these lovely ladies today:
 April, KarliErikaNarci and Andrea for 5 on Friday, Oh Hey Friday, and Friday Favorites.



I always say to Kyle that I'd totally cook more if I liked our kitchen better.  Whether this is true or not is my little secret ;)  I love a kitchen that is well lit (preferably with natural lighting), which our kitchen definitely lacks. I'm also over the warm color tones in ours, And, I need LOTS of space to cook and love to spread out and make a mess, which has never been an option in our kitchen and certainly is even less of an option now that we've had to reorganize. I knew babies required lots of stuff-- it's one thing to hear it and another to see it! What once was pretty decent counter space for meal prep and the likes is now space for our bottle steamer, our bottle brushes, and our drying "lawn." 

To say I've been dreaming about what the kitchen in my future home will look like is a complete understatement. And, thanks to my Pinterest board, I know exactly what I want!

So, dear hubby, I promise I'd cook in a kitchen that's...

Light and airy

And Has a Gorgeous Island

With Hardwood Floors

 Lots of Counter Space

With Good Storage

like built in shelves on the sides of the island

And drawers, drawers, and more drawers!

 And Extra Seating

But most importantly, I'd cook in a kitchen with...

My Favorite Chef
{Who never misses a chance to rock the amazingly classy apron his brother brought him back from Italy...thank you Ryan}

 Linking up with Jessi and Jenn for WHAT'S HAP-"PINNING" WEDNESDAY!

Bumpdate: Weeks 34-38


Happy Saturday! I'm officially 39 weeks today, so I better get this preggy update posted stat since I'll hopefully be having a birth story to share very, very soon!

I haven't posted a pregnancy update since Week 33...yowza, but that's OK-- better late than never is the motto of my blogging life ;)

So, about those Weeks 34-38...

Movement: Oh, how I love to feel this little guy moving all the time! It's been funny to feel the changes in his movements throughout these last few weeks as he's growing so big now! Because of our ultrasounds we've been able to tell which parts we're feeling where! And, let me tell you, Oliver's booty is constantly sticking  out of the top, right side of my belly (sometimes pushing into my ribs), and his feet or knees or some part of his leg is always sticking out of my middle left side! At our 38 week appointment I had mentioned that I hadn't felt him as much that day and the day before, which apparently will get you a ticket straight to the fetal movement monitor. It ended up being so fun because we got to see all of the times he was moving (many of which I was not feeling at all!), as well as some uterine contractions of mine (that I also was not feeling!).  And, at our last appointment, he got all excited and was kicking my left side like crazy while they checked his heartbeat, which made it go super high until he finally calmed back down! Kyle could see my belly moving even from the chair! The doc said he was either super long or totally stretching out, too! I know I'm going to miss feeling this precious life inside of me--but holding that precious life in my arms will certainly be a nice alternative!

Sleep: I have a love-hate relationship with sleep right now. It seems like these past few weeks I'll have 2-3 nights of decent sleep followed by 1 night where I hardly sleep at all between the hours of 1-5am. This has made for some really interesting nighttime moments. Kyle and I watched a Master Chef at 4am on one of my worst nights. I had to eat breakfast around 4:00/4:30ish once because I woke up so hungry! I've been on my computer or phone a few times while Kyle slept beside me (and may or may not have made a purchase from the Nordstrom Anniversary sale...oops!). I think the worst part is just knowing that I need to be sleeping as much as I can now because I know I won't get any sleep once he's here! I'm also so over pee breaks! I literally see every hour of the night on the clock starting at around 12:30/1am for my pee breaks, too! And, I've had to add an extra pillow under my belly just to give it a little more support. Fun stuff, I tell ya!

Workouts: Say what!? Does walking to the toilet 50 times a day count!?

Maternity Clothes: Pretty much nothing has changed in this department from the last update, except that now, the two pairs of shorts I was wearing are too tight! But, I've refuse to buy anything clothing-wise for these last few weeks (unless it's stocking up on nursing excited about these!) Still rocking this dress in 3 colors and this dress in 2 colors. They are SO incredibly comfortable and my favesies. Don't worry, I do at least change my accessories. But, I will be so happy to give these dresses a break soon, hopefully! ;)
Symptoms: Did I mention I have to pee all of the time? ;) Major feet swelling, light cramping & lower back pain, stiff & sore legs, and heartburn--all of that glamorous fun. And, definitely emotional--cannot even handle sad or scary stuff at all right now.  I also felt like last week I was WAY hungrier than normal, causing Kyle to nickname me the hungry, hungry prego!

Cravings/Aversions: I haven't really had any aversions these last 4 weeks (and probably even before that!). Still craving lots of salty naughtiness, like chips/queso and fries! And, my sweet tooth has remained in tact! I'm loving milkshakes, and Kyle makes the best! He'll not only do chocolate ice cream, but he'll add chocolate syrup and a little cocoa powder to make them extra chocolaty! He knows the way to my heart!

Missing Most: Sleeping peacefully and sleeping on my back or stomach! Actually missing exercise and being able to move easily. Missing having more than 5 outfits to wear. And, missing being able to be out and about like I normally am in the summer! Luckily, my friends have been super amazing and making the extra effort to come closer to me so I don't have to drive as far (because my belly hits the wheel...short leg problems and it's just not as comfortable to drive at this point!).

Nursery: Has made such great progress these past 4 weeks! I am super proud of what Kyle and I have done in there, especially on such a limited budget! I hope to share real pics soon, but here's a sneak peek photo that my cousin snapped!
Hubby: Is awesome, per usual! He's super excited and so ready to meet Oliver! He'll still talks to the belly and gives it kisses daily! And, I love it when he leaves notes for Oliver and me in the morning or mentions Oliver in our texts! He's been such a rockstar continuing to get the gear set-up and just taking care of me. I cannot wait to see him with Oliver and have dreams of our little guy being Kyle's mini-me!
Best Parts of these Weeks: We had an ultrasound at 34 weeks and got to see the most amazing image of Oliver's precious face! We also found out that day that he weighed 5 pounds, 10 oz. at that point and was still exactly at the 50th percentile (which we were assured that this was an area where we didn't want to overachieve, haha!).
That same week my momma came, and we busted out a ton of stuff around the house! She was such a work horse, and the best part was that she cooked (I helped a little!) some amazing freezer meals for us to have on hand! We also got to squeeze in some visits with my brother and sister-in-law (on the way back in from their honeymoon!) and my dad when he came to pick up my mom the next day!
I had another amazing shower hosted by two of my high school besties, Ally and Becca, and with a lot of help from two others, Kristen and Jan! They did such a wonderful job and had so many beautiful special touches with the decorations and food! They are just the best!
We loved that my cousin Kathleen and her hubby, Eric, came to give our house a nice, deep clean last weekend! It was so sweet of them and was so, incredibly helpful! We had lots of fun chatting with them about all things baby (they're the pros, with 2 sweet daughters!). And, Kathleen was especially helpful in helping me get my breast pump set up and giving me the low-down on bottle parts!

We also loved getting to see Oliver on ultrasound at 38 weeks and squeezing in lots of friend-time (and always commenting that this could be the "last game night" or the "last coffee date" before Oliver arrives!)!

And, I have to say, Kyle and I are certainly savoring these last weeks and days just the two of us, spending as much time together as we can. It has been so special!
Can't Wait For: Oliver to be in our arms, safe and sound! 1 or 2 weeks (if he's running on Barkley-time (aka running late...we joke about this with my dad and his side of the fam!) Come on, baby boy! We are so ready to meet you!

Five on Friday


Hello, Friday! Might you be the last Friday I am pregnant with Mr. Oliver? I think not.

Which brings me to numero uno of my Friday Five...

I'm Still Pregnant

We had our 39 week appointment yesterday, and I was just convinced the doc was going to tell me something along the lines of, "Yes, good thing you did shower and shave your legs today because things are looking good and you'll probably deliver this weekend!" What we got instead was an offer to strip my membranes to try to kickstart something, and then a "Girl, your cervix wants nothing to do with me," aka-- this baby isn't going anywhere anytime soon! I've just been marveling in the irony of it all since our whole pregnancy we were told we had such a high chance of delivering early, and now, Baby Oliver could very well be a week late! 

Green Goodness

I love green smoothies but found that I was wasting a lot of greens because they were going bad before I got around to using them. Kyle was not loving that, and I felt super guilty. Enter Pinterest, which gave the wonderful idea of freezing the greens into individual servings. 

We just wash our greens (kale & spinach), toss in the blender, add water as needed, blend away, pour into the muffin cups, and freeze! Voila!

Win for Kyle, win for me. And, it's so, so, so easy! No waste! Plus, how can you resist those adorable reusable muffin cups!
Preciousness adorable are my grandparents!? They are celebrating their 62nd anniversary tomorrow! 62 years...I hope we all can be that lucky!  Last weekend they went with my parents back to South Carolina for a family reunion and decided to stop at the church where they had gotten married and have a spontaneous, vow renewal moment! I just love them to pieces and am so incredibly thankful for the amazing example of marriage they have set for us.  Excuse the blurry photo...all of the ones my mom sent me were a little bit and for good reason--I know she was crying the whole time while watching this sweet moment!

A Whole New Wardrobe

Confession time. I HATE dealing with hand-washed clothing (or even worse, having to take things to the dry-cleaner). Confession 2. I have a laundry basket in my closet where I put these items, and I may have just pulled it out yesterday after sitting there for over a year (in my defense, it's definitely hidden in a corner, with a lid, with other things piled on top of the lid...not sure that that is really helping my case here, haha!). It was totally an out-of-sight, out-of-mind situation, and I was shocked at what I found in there! It was like Christmas day (except knowing I'd have to work to keep these presents, haha!). Don't worry, I've set a new resolution to do the hand washing as I go so I don't end up in this situation again! And, no more buying hand-wash items for me!

In My Dreams

I am missing the beach like whoa and was so bummed that we didn't get our normal beach time this summer! Here's where I'll be this weekend in my dreams...

Linking up with these lovely ladies today:
 April, KarliErikaNarci and Andrea for 5 on Friday, Oh Hey Friday, and Friday Favorites.



Pinterest is pretty much my BFF right now as I almost 39 weeks pregnant and spending most days lounging because my feet swell to high heavens if I stand on them for more than a hot second. So, of course I was super pumped for this fun new What's Hap-"Pinning" link up hosted by Jessi and Jenn!

I've noticed a little theme to my pins lately, and I think it's safe to say that this mommy-to-be has 3 things on the brain-- nesting, food, and clothes (non-maternity, please, pretty please!)!

As we've prepared for baby we have done some MAJOR nesting & organizing around the house! Thankfully Pinterest is like a mecca for home organization ideas and boards, so I've gotten lots of amazing tips in this department!


I don't know what changed in the last week or so, but I have noticed a HUGE increase in my appetite, and I am starving all the time and want to eat anything and everything under the sun! My texts to Kyle about food now end in #hungryhungrypreggo! Pinterest really has me craving...


and this...


And, considering I'm down to like 3-4 outfits that I am SO over wearing, I can't wait to get back into my closet and be able to feel cute and stylish once baby comes. I realize that this is a lofty dream considering I'll be a new mommy and, I'm sure, a #hotmess. A girl can dream, right!? 

Naturally, I know all be all pulled together wearing outfits like these ;)



Pinterest, you are a huge time suck, but, oh, how I do love you!

Now it's your turn to link up!

He Who Has Just Been Named...


Any HP fans out there catching that reference in the title? If not, I promise it's OK-- I totally was not a fan until I promised Kyle I'd read the books and loved them! Shout out to my cousin, Anna, who got our little guy his first piece of HP merchandise-- this precious onesie-- and inspired this post title :)

With my sweet baby boy's due date fast approaching, I realized that I had yet to blog about the name that we've chosen for him. And, to be honest, the post title is a tad bit misleading since technically he hasn't "just" been named--we've been calling him by name for a while now!

Even though it's a little late, I know I'll be glad I wrote this post-- And, I hope he'll enjoy reading this one day, especially since his sweet daddy is making a guest appearance on it, too!

We are thrilled to share that the first and middle name we have chosen for our son is...

There seem to be a lot of different thoughts on the internet about what the name "Oliver" means. Some sites mention something about Elf Army (bizarre!), but I'd like to stick with the thinking that name Oliver is associated with the olive tree (a symbol of peace) or with the Norse word for affectionate.

Here's the story on how we chose...

So, names. Kyle and I have been talking about names for our future babies since college, if not before. Sometime after we got married I started a note on my phone with baby names-- ones we both liked, ones I heard and wanted to ask him about, etc., and we'd have fun looking at the list and checking in with each other to see if we were still on the same page. I think we were both in agreement about wanting to use middle names to honor family but didn't feel as strongly about having to have a first name that was necessarily tied to family. Since we both have pretty traditional names, I think we definitely liked the idea of something a little less common.

Now, here is where Kyle and I disagree!

My Version:

I feel like the first time the name Oliver was put on the table was about four years ago. I was in my 3rd year of teaching and remember sharing with Kyle about how one of my students, Milo, came from a family of kids who all had really awesome names-- Delia, Milo, Eloise, and Oliver-- and that I especially really liked the name Oliver. And, I don't remember much more about the conversation other than that at some point (whether it was that day or sometime soon after) we were in agreement that we really liked the name Oliver. Kyle is really into music, and he loved that there was a song by Fleet Foxes called "Oliver James," and I loved that it was a name I hadn't heard a lot at the time and thought it had a nice ring with our last name. Bonus points for the fact that I had never taught an Oliver because you know being a teacher means a lot of names get nixed pretty quickly ;). And, so, Oliver was added to the top of the list. I wish I remembered the exact moment when we said, 100% yes, this is it. I do remember telling my girl cousins at Thanksgiving 2012 that Oliver was our top boy name, and I know we haven't wavered since! Choosing his middle name was a little easier. We did debate a few possibilities, but we knew our daughter would have my middle name (Elizabeth) since that has been passed down from my grandmother to my mother and then to me. So, we felt like it would be special to pass down Kyle's middle name, Robert, to our son. Oliver Robert. Happy sigh. How I love the name that we have chosen. 

Now, I'll turn it over to the hubs...

Kyle's Version (The correct version):

Oliver has been on the top of this list for years. By the way, there is actually a list on Laura's phone that we would periodically add and subtract names to. Oliver has been the number one boys name since 2011 or 2012. However, the story goes a little differently than Laura claims. First off, it was my suggestion. I had always liked the name Oliver and suggested it a few times before we were married (we married in 2010). Laura had axed my first choice name, Callahan, and I was forced to come up with other options. Oliver never really made it onto the list until after Laura's story. Once the above mentioned story took place Laura fell in love with the name and we really went with it. I am not saying it was my first choice all the while and Laura had nothing to do with it. I just know that I had mentioned it, among many other names, before Laura had this student that had a brother named Oliver. I, too, really like the ring of his name. I have never thought my last name was the easiest last name to match a first name with, but Oliver really sounds good with it, at least I think it does. The middle name part of this story was told with 100% accuracy. However, it should be noted that because of the Fleet Foxes song we toyed with James as a middle name. But, (and this is a BIG but) I didn't want our son to potentially be nicknamed OJ. Not a future I want for our kid. 

Clearly, my hubs wanted to take advantage of his brief appearance here on the blog, what with his sass and sarcasm (oh, and his conviction that he is correct!).

Regardless of when we first heard the name Oliver, the important thing, is that we found a name that we both LOVE, and that we are days away from holding this precious life who will own this name!

Oliver Robert, you are the most precious gift and have completely taken over our hearts. We cannot  wait to meet you, to snuggle you, and to love on you. You are our biggest blessing and our greatest adventure.
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