Fingers Crossed


My stomach is officially in knots and probably will be until Friday afternoon when I hopefully find out that all of my kiddos passed their End of Grade tests!

It's probably any teacher of 3rd grade or above's least favorite time of year, but we try to make it as fun for the students as possible! We had a theme/dress-up day every day since last Monday, and our classroom is all decked out with adorable photos of the students with funny little inspirational messages written beside them!

And, I'm super pumped to rock my special T-shirts all week! Here's the one I'm wearing tomorrow...

I'm saying BIG prayers this week that they will do their best and feel good about the work that they do each day!

Happy Monday, friends!


  1. This is precious!! I love the idea of wearing a special shirt. :) I'm sure your kiddos did great on their tests.

  2. Love the idea of a special shirt! I am sure your kiddos did a fabulous job on their tests!


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