An Attitude of Gratitude


Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I am cuddled up on a comfy couch, in a cozy house, wafting in the smells of sweet potato casserole, surrounded by Kyle's doesn't get much better than this! Of course, I am missing my own family today but am so excited to spend time with them on Saturday. It's times like these, when I feel so overwhelmed with blessings. There is so much to be thankful for! It's funny how my 3rd graders would list things like cookies or video games when asked what they were thankful for, but one girl, totally blew me away with her answer of "I am thankful to be alive."

So, on this Thanksgiving day, I begin my list of what I'm thankful for with that...

I am thankful for being alive. Every day on this earth is a gift, a blessing.

I am thankful for the health of everyone in my family. My grandmother's sister passed away yesterday, and I can't help but be thankful for the fact that my grandparents (the only pair I've ever known) are still alive and that everyone else in my family is, and I pray that everyone will live long, healthy lives.

I am thankful for Kyle and our love. Marriage is hard work, and love is complicated. It's also the best thing in the world, and I am so grateful to have my best friend by my side.

I am thankful for having easy access to the basic necessities and so much more. It's so easy to take what we have for granted (food, water, shelter, medicine, healthcare, insurance), focusing instead on what we don't have, what we wish we could have. I easily get caught up in the materialism that surrounds me, and then I hear or see something that breaks my heart, making me feel so guilty for even complaining.

I am thankful for my job and the gift that I have to be able to shape children's lives. I may not be the most organized teacher or have the best ideas, but I know that my kids feel loved, and I know that I make them feel special.

I am thankful for my friends-- so much love, so much laughter...even if we're living miles and miles apart since college, I know I can count on them.

I am thankful for the opportunity to be in grad school...I complain about it. A LOT. But I know that education is a true gift.

I am thankful for the way I was raised and the values and morals my family instilled in me. I am thankful that I grew up learning to love and accept ALL people, that I grew up in a family who gives so much of themselves to society. I am thankful for my social consciousness.

And lastly,

I am thankful for a family who loves each other. My grandfather every year tells us how lucky we are to not be a torn family. So many families have rifts that tear them apart, grudges that are held for years. I'm so thankful that we haven't experienced this. Family is sacred to me.

Here's to a safe and happy Thanksgiving for everyone!

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